Money holds a lot of energy for me. That is why I like to pull my relationship to it apart. The more aware I become, the more I realize that I give it credit in areas that are unwarranted and…
Six Ways Our Relationship To Money Is Twisted

Money holds a lot of energy for me. That is why I like to pull my relationship to it apart. The more aware I become, the more I realize that I give it credit in areas that are unwarranted and…
You have to get in your bones that when you are talking and thinking about money – you are usually not talking and thinking about money. The conversation and thoughts are about value. All day long you are trading value.…
A couple of months ago, while working with a client I had an incredible breakthrough. During the conversation, something came out of my mouth and I thought “wow… that was genius”. I went back home and spent the next 3…
Life is all about experiences. What else are we here for? We have around 70 years on this planet to experience life in this realm so we may as well make the most of it. Or were you taught that…
In life mostly we are not taught that freedom is important. Certainly not as important as producing results. In fact in today’s society we are taught to give up our freedom for results. The problem is that we have it…