I feel the need to fit in as much as anyone. Fitting in has me feel safe and secure. I like to be around other people. Fitting in is foolish though. Here is why: A. To fit in with other…
5 Ways Chaos Beats Structure.
I have really begun to appreciate the power of chaos over the last few years. Particularly in a world where everyone is so drawn to structure. Structure is great for keeping things as they are. It is even great for…
It's All About Value
You have to get in your bones that when you are talking and thinking about money – you are usually not talking and thinking about money. The conversation and thoughts are about value. All day long you are trading value.…
The Emotional Charge of Money
In our society we learn about money mostly from our parents. We grew up around a lot of conversations about money, and some of these conversations were very “serious and important” and would have held a strong emotional charge. Particularly…