You have to get in your bones that when you are talking and thinking about money – you are usually not talking and thinking about money. The conversation and thoughts are about value. All day long you are trading value.…
It's All About Value

You have to get in your bones that when you are talking and thinking about money – you are usually not talking and thinking about money. The conversation and thoughts are about value. All day long you are trading value.…
In our society we learn about money mostly from our parents. We grew up around a lot of conversations about money, and some of these conversations were very “serious and important” and would have held a strong emotional charge. Particularly…
Do you spend a lot of your time making money, trying to make money, or even thinking about making money? If so I suggest you stop. It is a screwed up context. Why is it a screwed up context? Well,…
A couple of months ago, while working with a client I had an incredible breakthrough. During the conversation, something came out of my mouth and I thought “wow… that was genius”. I went back home and spent the next 3…
Life is all about experiences. What else are we here for? We have around 70 years on this planet to experience life in this realm so we may as well make the most of it. Or were you taught that…
In life, things are going to happen that will close you down. You can’t help it. It is part of being alive. Your partner fails to see your light and dumps you. Your boss fails to see your greatness and…
In life mostly we are not taught that freedom is important. Certainly not as important as producing results. In fact in today’s society we are taught to give up our freedom for results. The problem is that we have it…
Life is not static. People think they have to cause things to happen in life. They don’t. Well not like cause and effect. “I do this to make that happen”. There is a flow to life. You have to start to see…
A couple of years ago I went for a singing lesson. what I thought would be a straightforward hour ended up being one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. The singing lesson started with a meditation. Maybe it…
Growing up in Scotland many years ago I wasn’t that big on personal development and the like. It wasn’t really done. When in my late 20’s, a girlfriend told me to go and see a chiropractor I thought she was…